We have now had some warm weather and timely rains in the Oak Point area. The results have the summer flora in full bloom. The state flower, the Showy Lady Slipper, a rare wild Orchid can be found close to Oak Point Estates. The Showy Lady Slipper needs wetter areas with more sunlight then the Yellow Lady Slippers. We also have the ditches and open area with fieldsfull of white Daisey's and Mustard Flowers. We have also seen Wild Roses in the ditches.
Another summer ritual is under way called the Mayfly hatches. Mayflies are an aquatic insect that is present in Leech Lake. On Friday we had a rain storm with winds coming in off the lake stirring up the water. The results were a rather big hatch with the flies all over our house, garage, trees. Used my leaf blower to blow them off. Thank goodness the Mayflies are harmless and they usually last only 1 to 2 days at the most.
The walleye fishing has still been fairly good from the reports that I have been getting from my neighbors. With the Mayflies hatch on, that will put a stop to the fishing for awhile.