Sunday, August 30, 2009

Largemouth Bass

My grandson Aaron, is pictured here with an 18 1/2 inch Largemouth Bass he caught this week while visiting with his grandparents out at Oak Point. His uncle estimates the fish weight 3.5 to 4 lbs. It was successfully released to fight again. Leech Lake has a good population of Largemouth Bass that are starting to gain some attention in the fishing community. Leech Lake of course is better known for it's Walleye and Musky fishing. Other fish caught in the Oak Point area are Perch and Sunfish.

The large slab of tree trunk came from a dead Red Oak Tree harvested out at Oak Point Estates for firewood. The slab measured 39 inches at the widest point. We estimate that the tree is somewhere between 135 and 140 years old. That places the tree as almost as old as the state of Minnesota and older than the city of Walker. I am aware of a few larger living oaks in our area. The acorns are starting to drop from the many oak trees now. Acorns make great food for the area deer and bear as they are high in protien. Acorns are also a sign of the changing seasons.

The talk of the Oak Point Road not getting funded may have been premature. I learned this week from the plowdriver that the funding did indeed come through for the Oak Point Road. I hope that they have sufficient time to bid this project and get started this fall. My road called Chippewa Bch. Road, just north of Oak Point Estates, got a new layer (3 to 4 inches) of class 5 gravel for the winter.

Bear hunters are out baiting for the start of the season which starts September 1st. The set out lots of old scraps of foods and put up trail cameras to see when their bears come into their stands.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Oak Point Progress

The first house at Oak Point Estates is coming along just fine. The owners hope to be able to get along far enough with construction to be able to stay in parts of the house yet this year. Let's hope that the weather cooperates with them. They have a framing contractor helping them from the Bemidji area.

We approached the Leech Lake Township Board last week to discuss with them taking over the road for maintenance purposes. We had a good reception at the meeting and the board promised to come out and inspect our gravel road called Sunrise Beach. We also learned this week that the blacktop road, Oak Point Road, will not be overlayed with new bitumious as had been expected. No money. There are a number of large pot holes that need to be repaired before the winter sets in.

My wood supply is all split and covered for this coming winter of 2009-2010, plus we have enough wood cut and split and covered for the winter of 2010-2011. Having that task done is a great feeling. My task now is get sufficient kindling ready for this coming winter. I have been collecting and splitting wood scraps from the house under constructing at Oak Point.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Yellow Flowers

Summer is here. Warm weather, thunderstorms and summer foliage. We are attaching pictures of three different yellow flowers that we are finding out at Oak Point area. They are Black-Eyed Susans, Goldenrods and Woodland Sunflowers. With the timely rains that we have been having this summer the vegetation is lush. That means weekly mowing of the yards that are usually drying up by now.

Another sure sign that the fishing is back on Leech Lake is the presences of "launches". These are the commercial fishing boats that take tourist from Walker out to angle for Walleyes on the "big" lake. For a number of years we had not seen any, but this summer they are back. Launches furnish the boat/driver guide, the bait and can be used for a half or full days charter. Those fishing with their own boats often follow the launches and imitate what they are doing.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

LLR # 38

The Leech Lake, Walker area always has something going on. This past weekend was the Sailing of the 38th Leech Lake Regatta. With the wide open expanses of water, Leech is a natural for the sailing enthusiast. All sorts of styles, colors and sizes of sailboats participated. The sailboats come through the "Narrows" just south of Oak Point Estates and head for Goose Island. Walker also had its "Walker Bay Days" with fun for the entire family at the city park. The purpose of Walker Bay Days is to celebrate family values, community pride and the preservation of the Leech Lake area.

Wild rice season opens August 15, and yes you have to purchase a license unless you are a member of the LL Indian Reservation. The "Narrows" has some large wild rice beds and some other areas just south of Oak Point Estates. Hand parched wild rice from Leech Lake makes some excellent Christmas gifts.

Blueberries season is also upon us. I made two blueberry pies this week for my wife's birthday. Although I have to confess that I used commercial blueberries rather then the wild ones. I don't know of any blueberry patches near the Oak Point area, but a part of the up north summer experience is blueberry pie.

If anyone wants to communicate with me, use either of my email addresses. or

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Oak Point Road

The ditches of Oak Point Road are filled with Golden Alexanders. They provide camouflage for wildlife right up to the roadsurface, which is dangerious for drivers. The plans are are still on for a new road surface on Oak Point Road, but it's August already. I walked the road just about every morning with a neighbor this past week. I try to get started about 7:00 am. Saw several deer, some with fawns and one bear cross the road in front of us. On weekends we see more exercisers on the road, usually not so early, walking, jogging and riding bikes. We have a relativly level route north of Oak Point Estates and Chippewa Beach areas. There is not that much vehicle traffic early in the morning, if we see anyone they are usually neighbors who might stop and chat or the mailman.

Bear hunting in Minnesota starts in one month on September 1st. Deer hunting starts that first weekend in November. I don't hunt either. Seasons will begin to change fast and we still have not had much warm weather yet.

This weeks "Outdoor News" had a front page article entitled, Walleye Catch on Leech Makes it 'Hottest Lake in the State. '
Nice to hear positive reports about your lake.