Oak Point Road project had been advertised for bids that were to be submitted by last Friday the 25th of September for the whole 15.65 miles of road. I will use all my sources to find out who the low bidder is this week. The work involves some new culverts, stripping the old bituminous surface and putting down a new bituminous surface. We hope the weather holds until the project is completed.
Oak Point used to be called "Squaw Point" for many years. A group of high school girl students found the word offensive and as school project sought get it changed. They started to write letters and found a sympathetic ear in a state senator who introduced a bill that allowed counties to change the name of geographic features of the area. In February of 1995 the Cass County Board changed the name to "Oak Point". I hope to cover more local history in the weeks ahead. If anyone has a suggested topic, or question, please send me and email. nitchals@paulbunyan.net
Our first frost is forcast for tomorrow morning but I expect the "lake effect" will keep us arm right around the lake.