Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Road Work

Road work on our Oak Point Road is progressing nicely. Anderson Bros. (general contractor) has two asphalt milling machines going at the same time so they are doing both lanes rather then just one at a time. They started milling the old asphalt on Monday of this week and they started on the loop section. They should have the asphalt milled off the entire loop before Friday. Once they mill the old asphalt they put it back down on the road bed. They then have two big heavy roller packers, one with big cleats pack the base after they wet it down with water. Once compacted it's as hard as concrete. They plan is to have the loop ready for the new hot asphalt by next week. They are also digging up some section of the old road bed and replacing that material with new. Lots going on. Lots of equipment and people to watch and just an old mans delight. Anderson Bros have flagman out directing traffic where necessary. Some delays are possible so drive accordingly.

Suckers are Running

All up and down the rocky shoreline on the "big lake" side the lake suckers are doing their annual spawning run. This year we are about three weeks earlier then normal. I tried to get pictures with no success. Right now there are thousands of these fish right along shore. The common name for these fish is White Suckers. Although this time of the year the breeding makes have a well-marked dark lateral bank with a salmon colored bank below this. After the spawning season they return to their drab grayish color.

Last weekend more docks and lifts were put in the lake. Pictured is the common dock at Oak Point Estates. Because we have had a dry spring water levels are down. I estimate water levels are about 6 inches lower then last year based on the wheels on my dock. We need rain real badly. Fire danger remains real high. The combination of the dry weather, road construction and tree pollen are raising problems with peoples allergies.

The north woods is greening up nicely and the early wild flowers are blooming. The white flowers are called Wood Anemone.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Road Work

Our Oak Point Road reconstruction project is to resume this coming Monday. I had a chance to talk to Art Chase, Operations Manager for the Department of Public Works who's in charge of the project. The plan is to do one lane at a time, finish that part up and then do the other lane. They will be milling the existing blacktop and putting that down as a base. Then they will be putting down two new courses of bituminous. They plan on two inches of a base course, then 1.5 inches of a wearing course on top. Anderson Bros from Brainerd are the general contractors for the project. Art said that the project is scheduled to take three weeks. The whole project is over $3 million and is funded by Stimulus Monies.

Notice of Valuation

Most of us have received in the last two weeks our "Notices of Valuation" from the Cass County Assessor. You should read this notice real carefully. Most values stayed the same, or had a slight increase. Actually these values should be going down in my opinion. I would suggest that you call your local Assessor and have them come for a review. Most of the local assessors have not been inside of our homes in quite a few years. We were able to lower three of our lots at Oak Point Estates by asking for a review.

Benefit for Reggie Thiel

A benefit is planned for Reggie Thiel for Sunday, May 2, 2010 at the Walker Area Community Center. In September of 2009 Reggie underwent a heart transplant operation at the U of M Fairview Hospital. Reggie has been limited in his abilities to work as either a fishing guide or as a realtor because of his sickness. All proceeds will be used to help the family with medical expenses.

Deer on the Road

The deer are coming out to the road in the late evening now to eat some of the tender first blades of grass. My wife even saw a fawn already. Drive carefully. Pictured is a Bald Eagle that can be seened most evenings down by the "Narrows".
Ice Out
The official Date of "Ice Out" on Leech Lake was April 6 a new record.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wild Turkeys

I and several other people have seen a wild hen turkey along the Oak Point Road in the vicinity of "Dead Mans Curve" several times in the last couple of weeks. At first I thought I was seeing things, but that wasn't the case. I did call the local Wildlife Specialist from the DNR who assured me that they didn't release any turkeys in that area, but he speculated that some private citizen could have released one or more turkeys in the area. More then likely it, or they, have migrated to the area over the winter and spring. I and others were aware of some wild turkeys in the Tower Hill area along TH # 371.

Ice Out

Although the ice has been out in the "big lake" for a week now I can still see some ice piled up on "Big Hardwood" one week later. The power of wind and ice is something to behold. All along some shorelines either rock or sand beaches were rearranged by the power of the wind and the weight of the ice. I am including a photo of an ice pile on one of the Hardwood Points. I am not sure what date the Walker Pilot Independent declared the lake to be free of ice. I am sure that next week's paper will have something. A number of our neighbors have been busy already getting their docks and boat lifts in the water this weekend. I am in no rush and will wait a week or so. The water is still very cold.

Stan Peterson

The Walker Pilot Independent has an interesting article on its website in the Outdoors Section about Stan Peterson of Walker, entitled "Reflects on the Early Days of Leech Lake Tourism". Those of us who have property along Chippewa Beach Road know that Stan Peterson was the developer of our subdivision so many, many years ago. The Plat of Chippewa Beach was filed in November of 1956. So much history has passed since the plat was recorded. We, Jim and Marlys Nitchals purchased Lot # 10 in August of 1984 and are the only third owners of this lot. Of the 28 lots only 4 property owners have owned their lots longer then we have. Guess that makes us "old timers". Since we have purchased here most of the old "cabins" have been removed and new homes built. Some times you need to look back to see change.

Fire Restrictions

Its still very dry out here. We have just had some sprinkles. The state is imposing some very restricted fire regulations effective Monday April 12th. Even our local fire warden will not be able to issue burning permits.

Fishing Licenses

Your 2009 Minnesota Fishing License is good until April 30, 2010. After that you need a 2010 license. Hope that I remember mine.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ice Free

The "big lake" is free of ice as far as I can see. We had a strong south wind yesterday afternoon that pushed the ice to the north and northwest. Many of the "Hardwood Points" to the north of us have ice piled up on shore this morning. The ice piles on "Big Hardwood" appears to be 8 to 10 ft high. I will need to check around and see if any ice damage occurred. Ice has been out of Steamboat Bay and the Narrows for a couple of days already. The strong winds ended up taking one old tree out at Oak Point Estates and many branches were blown down. The winds could have brought us some much needed rains, but they didn't.

I don't know if the ice is out of Walker Bay yet. Walker bay is deep and the water does not warm as fast as the rest of Leech Lake. Usually "official ice out" date is not until Walker Bay open up. Even if the official ice out date is not for a couple of days we are talking about a new modern era record for early ice out. The current record is April 9, the average ice out date is April 27.

Lot of waterfowl in the area. They seem to follow the ice out up north. Mallards are setting up nesting areas in the wooded potholes. Canadian Geese are in the grassy areas down at Oak Point Estates. Wood Ducks, Golden Eyes and great variety of waterfowl.

With the dry March we have had, I continue to have concerns about water levels in the area lakes. Officially we are only a few inches lower then last years lake level at this time. However last year the melt was still on and their was more water in the water shed then we have now. We need rain.