I and several other people have seen a wild hen turkey along the Oak Point Road in the vicinity of "Dead Mans Curve" several times in the last couple of weeks. At first I thought I was seeing things, but that wasn't the case. I did call the local Wildlife Specialist from the DNR who assured me that they didn't release any turkeys in that area, but he speculated that some private citizen could have released one or more turkeys in the area. More then likely it, or they, have migrated to the area over the winter and spring. I and others were aware of some wild turkeys in the Tower Hill area along TH # 371.

Ice Out
Although the ice has been out in the "big lake" for a week now I can still see some ice piled up on "Big Hardwood" one week later. The power of wind and ice is something to behold. All along some shorelines either rock or sand beaches were rearranged by the power of the wind and the weight of the ice. I am including a photo of an ice pile on one of the Hardwood Points. I am not sure what date the Walker Pilot Independent declared the lake to be free of ice. I am sure that next week's paper will have something. A number of our neighbors have been busy already getting their docks and boat lifts in the water this weekend. I am in no rush and will wait a week or so. The water is still very cold.
Stan Peterson
The Walker Pilot Independent has an interesting article on its website http://www.walkermn.com/ in the Outdoors Section about Stan Peterson of Walker, entitled "Reflects on the Early Days of Leech Lake Tourism". Those of us who have property along Chippewa Beach Road know that Stan Peterson was the developer of our subdivision so many, many years ago. The Plat of Chippewa Beach was filed in November of 1956. So much history has passed since the plat was recorded. We, Jim and Marlys Nitchals purchased Lot # 10 in August of 1984 and are the only third owners of this lot. Of the 28 lots only 4 property owners have owned their lots longer then we have. Guess that makes us "old timers". Since we have purchased here most of the old "cabins" have been removed and new homes built. Some times you need to look back to see change.
Fire Restrictions
Its still very dry out here. We have just had some sprinkles. The state is imposing some very restricted fire regulations effective Monday April 12th. Even our local fire warden will not be able to issue burning permits.
Fishing Licenses
Your 2009 Minnesota Fishing License is good until April 30, 2010. After that you need a 2010 license. Hope that I remember mine.
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