It doesn't seem possible that we are in August already. Weather wise we have been getting plenty of rain still, gardens and lawns are green maybe two much rain for the tomatoes they are getting yellow leaves by the soil. Enjoying green beans, new potatoes, onions, cucumbers, summer squash, green peppers and lettuce. We have been busy the last 10 days. We had the damaged roof on the garage repaired, so we decided to have the house roof shingled as well. We had our hardwood floors refinished so that met that all the furniture had to be moved out. And you all know that one thing leads to

another, so we have been busy.
I am adding some pictures that are interesting. Our neighbor Dennis Yepma has a new sailboat that he is learning to use. Also I was driving through the narrows the other day when I saw an unusual sight, I saw 14 Turkey vultures in one tree. Unfortunately someone had dumped some fish guts on the road and they were cleaning up the mess. I would hope that whoever is doing that would stop.
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