Our grandchildren spent a few days with us this week and all of us had a good time. They swam, sewed, fished, boated and ate us out of food. But a good time was had by all. The 7 year old second grater caught the largest fish probably a 2 lb. rock bass off the dock. It always takes us a few days to get things back to normal after their visits.
The water level in the lake are still quite high, usually by this time of the year I am having problems getting my boat off the lift, but not this year. Getting some reports of Walleyes being caught in the Goose Island flats trolling Shad Raps. My grandson and I tried it twice with no success.
Bear hunting begins in two weeks time. This weekend was the first time hunters could bait for bear. The MN DNR says that there are ample berries and wild nuts this year with all the rain we have been having. So baiting might not be as productive. In our area there are plenty of acorns from the oak trees this year. So far we continue to see plenty of your deer sightings in the woods, especially when we take walks in the morning along the Oak Point Road.
Pictured is some Jewelweed which is natures antidote for poison ivy.
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